Preguntas de preparación antes de tu entrevista

Una entrevista de trabajo puede resultar un proceso estresante para un candidato. En Canadá, estas entrevistas son un paso importante para la contratación de un empleado. Para facilitar este paso y ayudarle a prepararse para sus posibles entrevistas, le compartimos una guía de preguntas frecuentes en idioma inglés que puede estudiar y responder. De esta manera, podrá preparar sus respuestas, practicarlas desde casa y sentirse con mayor confianza frente al empleador.

• Tell me about yourself

• Tell me about your work experience

• Why do you want to work here?

• What interests you about this role?

• What motivates you?

• What are you passionate about?

• Why are you leaving your current job?

• What are your greatest strengths?

• What are your greatest weaknesses?

• What are your goals for the future?

• Where do you think you’ll be in five years?

• Can you tell me about a difficult work situation and how you overcame it?

• What is your salary range expectation?

• Why should we hire you?

• Do you have any questions?

• What did you like most about your last position?

• What did you like least about your last position?

• How do you handle stress?

• What is your greatest accomplishment?

• How do you define success?

• How do you work under pressure?

• What is your dream job?

• What can you bring to the company?

• How do you handle conflict at work?

• Why are you interested in this position?

• What skills would you bring to the job?

• How would you describe yourself?

• What makes you unique?

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