Etiqueta: Industria
Se desacelera turismo internacional en México
Según reportes de mercado, México comienza a sentir los efectos de una desaceleración en la captación de turismo internacional. Hay evidentes señales que podrían dar paso a un descenso en los flujos,...
Orders to German industry increase
The Federal Statistical Office reported that orders to German industry rose 17.8 percent in 2021 compared to 2020. In addition, the pre-crisis level of 2019 was exceeded by 9.3...
Syria announces tourism recovery plan until 2030
Syrian Tourism Minister Mohamed Martini announced a plan to recover the sector by 2030, which is mainly focused on boosting popular and cultural tourism. The plan also covers fields...
Renault foresees production drop by half a million cars
French automobile group Renault announced forecasts for the end of financial year 2021, according to which a drop in production of half a million vehicles is calculated, compared to the previous year.
Investments recommended for tourism recovery
The Covid-19 pandemic transformed tourism when it lost 4.5 trillion (million million) dollars in 2020, and capital investment dropped by 30%, experts of the sector admitted. The World Travel...
German business confidence fell in September
The Munich Economic Research Institute (Ifo) reported that German business confidence fell in September due to the manufacturing industry. The indicator was tempered this month, reduced by problems in...
Bolivia boosts lithium and potassium sales to the world market
The company Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos (YLB) plans to increase sales of lithium carbonate and potassium chloride to the world market and generate revenues exceeding 17 million dollars, the ABI agency reported...
Industria diamantífera en Angola proyecta alzas para 2022
La industria diamantífera en Angola cerrará 2021 por debajo de los pronósticos debido a la Covid-19, pero prevé para 2022 alzas en las extracciones mineras y facturaciones por mil 500 millones de...
Inmigración abren programa piloto para inversionistas extranjeros
Los ministros canadienses de Ciudadanía e Inmigración, Chris Alexander y de Industria, James Moore, anunciaron que Canadá comenzó aceptar solicitudes para el Programa Piloto de Capital de Riesgo para Inmigrantes Inversionistas (IIVC sigla en inglés), a partir del miércoles 28 de enero